Wednesday, August 5, 2009

divine creation

As I arrive at the party of the summer, I now realize what it was I left behind. When the day has finally come, I think to myself, maybe so, maybe not. Yeah, I'm into this. It's you know who you know where, and I've one tracked my mind for so long to this moment, it feels numb when I finally arrive. It's really just another day, filled with moments that can be talked about tomorrow. I've had lots of those days. They come and go and leave impressions in my mind that create my personal make up to date. But something's different about this one. It's going to be a day when I will remember what it's like to bleed my heart out to a stage, and smile with everyone, because for a couple of hours, our passion is the same. A moment to see the reasons why I love this so much in the first place. Beautiful friends, no matter how long it's been. New friends, no matter how short our time. I look around and see that nothing's really changed. But everything is different. I think that my soul will explode when the music keeps on playing, but quickly I see that what's inside of me has quietly evolved. I used to love this 'moment' so much. My passion was living in that dream, moving blindly to get to the next one. My love was for the 'best show'. But now, I love something even more. I could never replace my new profound love with any note or chord. I couldn't bear the thought of loving my great new love for just one night, being caught up in one single moment. I want lots of these moments. Everyday, all night long. By my side, three and half feet tall and big brown eyes. Thank you my son, for putting that 'spark' back into my life. I didn't know it was missing, because it never really left.

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