Wednesday, July 22, 2009

read between the lines

If you were a cover to a book, which one would you be? Life is full of illustraters, trying to create a glamazon paperback cover. But why try so hard? My favorite people in life are the ones who don't just paint a picture, but who write the book. I admire people who are present, alive, and real. It gives me inspiration to run across a soul who posesses the essence of being truly present. You'll know when you meet them, it kindly smacks you right across the face to slow down and take it all in. It gives me motivation to have 'alive' people amongst me. Alive for a purpose, to get shit done, and shine like the sun. These kind of people are the ones that stick, hard to forget, positively lingering in your head. It gives me hope to have people in my life who are real. Real at being themselves and giving you the ultimate gift of friendship. Real, because they're just a person too. With eyes closed and voice still, just a beating heart, blood, and muscles, encased in a cage of ribs. So what does this have to do with how flashy and loud you are? Exactly.

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