Friday, July 10, 2009

Love is a freedom we all know

I was booking up a trail by my house, trying to get in both excercise, peace and tranquility. I found this little path off the beaten trail and followed it to sit on top of this huge rock facing a valley with running water. Often, when I find myself alone in nature, I either contemplate almost everything but the kitchen sink, or nothing at all. I can become so deep in thought that I forget how I got here, or so spaced that I can hear the ants making tunnels in the dirt. Today, my head was filled with books of random thoughts, and I looked up into the sky to try to find some peace and quiet. And, I kid you not, I saw a whisp of clouds that at first read "LOVE". I looked back up again to convince myself this was just an illusion, and the whisp quickly read "LIVE", and then faded away into royal blue sky. All of the sudden, everything in my head became extremely quiet and I saw the purpose for everything in my life, or at least for the day. Love makes you live. So touche, but honestly true. As example, I was talking to a 'client' not to long ago, and apparantley I kept saying things such as "I love the way that looks", or "I love making that", and I quickly fell embarrassed when she replied back, "You just love everything, don't you Erin", then I wiped that shame away and said, "yeah, I do."

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